Only $100 Annually

Why Be A Member?


We currently find ourselves in an industry where costs of operation are skyrocketing, profits are disappearing, values are down and our renter demographic is changing drastically.

We are seeing an ever increasing involvement of social agencies supporting partly or wholly the renter base.

We are also seeing an ever increasing interference & regulations by our provincial & municipal governments.

It is therefore imperative that we organize ourselves and speak as a group rather than lone voices in the dark - there is strength in numbers. We can no longer sit and wait for the next restriction, regulation or adverse law - we must start to advocate on our own behalf.

With membership you also gain access to credit/rental history reports through a company called RentCheck at a highly discounted rate of $13.50 per report. My company has been using these reports in our selection process for a long time and we were previously paying $80.00 per year for our membership and $28.00 per report. With the changing demographic of our renter base reports like this become invaluable.

We are in the development stage of our website and it is being structured so we can use it to provide our membership with information regarding pending changes in regulations or legislation, news of developing issues and recommended actions ie. the legalization of Cannabis and its impact on rental property owners. We are hoping that our partner agencies will also use it to advise of any changes to programs or policies within their organization. The website will also provide a 'discussion forum' for members to interact with each other with information, problems, resolutions and so forth. This will also improve the networking capability between members, our partner agencies, as well as our municipal services. 

We are working on putting together a group of experienced owner/property managers who can review tribunal situations and submissions for members who are less experienced. We hope to eventually have a dedicated paralegal to assist members at a greatly reduced rate.

Considering all these factors, an association is a no brainer.


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Annual Membership Fee: $100.00


If membership annual fees lapse, a member will not receive notices, discounts at participating businesses, including Rent Check or voting privileges. Please PAY PROMPTLY to ensure your benefits continue. Renewal is based on anniversary month.


To be anticipatory regarding current and future issues, assist in the continuing professional development of our members AND assist our members in optimizing their efficiency and profitability.